Input-output operations
If a task is solving with using Programming Taskbook then special input-output methods (procedures or functions) should be called in the student's program.
Brief information about input-output methods connected with the specific programming language is available from the Programming Taskbook window by pressing F1 key or «?» button on the window title (the Programming Taskbook window can be shown by using PT4Demo tool or running a program template created by PT4Load tool).
Brief description of input-output methods of programming languages that are supported by Programming Taskbook is shown below.
See the Examples section for additional information.
Pascal language
Data input: procedure GetB(var A: boolean); procedure GetN(var A: integer); procedure GetR(var A: real); procedure GetC(var A: char); procedure GetS(var A: string); procedure GetP(var A: PNode); Data output: procedure PutB(A: boolean); procedure PutN(A: integer); procedure PutR(A: real); procedure PutC(A: char); procedure PutS(A: string); procedure PutP(A: PNode);
Starting with the version 4.13, you may also use the overridden Get and Put procedures for input and
output respectively (for example, Get(A) or Put(A) ). Also input functions without parameters
are available: GetBoolean (or GetBool), GetInteger (or GetInt), GetReal (or GetDouble), GetChar, GetString, GetPNode.
Each function returns the next element of input data.
See additional information about PNode type in the description of the Dynamic and Tree groups of tasks.
C and C++ languages
Starting with version 4.23, in which support for the C language was added,
the following functions are provided for data input and output:
Data input: void GetB(bool* a); void GetN(int* a); void GetD(double* a); void GetC(char* a); void GetS(char* a); void GetS(std::string& a); // C++ only void GetP(PNode* a); Data output: void PutB(bool a); void PutN(int a); void PutD(double a); void PutC(char a); void PutS(char* a); void PutS(std::string a); // C++ only void PutP(PNode a);
A special input-output stream called pt may be used for input-output operations. For instance, function calls GetN(&a); GetD(&b); GetS(s); may be replaced by one stream-read statement as follows: pt >> a >> b >> s;
In version 4.22, functions that return the input data item were added for C++:
Data input (C++, starting with taskbook version 4.22): bool GetBool(); int GetInt(); double GetDouble(); char GetChar(); std::string GetString(); PNode GetNode();
See additional information about PNode type in the description of the Dynamic and Tree groups of tasks.
Before version 4.23, C++ input functions used references instead of pointers as parameters:
Data input (C++, before taskbook version 4.23): void GetB(bool& a); void GetN(int& a); void GetD(double& a); void GetC(char& a); void GetS(char* a); void GetS(string& a); void GetP(PNode& a);
.NET languages (C#, VB.NET, F#)
Data input (C#): public static bool GetBool(); public static int GetInt(); public static double GetDouble(); public static char GetChar(); public static string GetString(); public static Node GetNode(); Data input (VB.NET): Public Shared Function GetBool() As Boolean Public Shared Function GetInt() As Integer Public Shared Function GetDouble() As Double Public Shared Function GetChar() As Char Public Shared Function GetString() As String Public Shared Function GetNode() As Node
Data input (F#): pt.GetBool() : bool pt.GetInt() : int pt.GetDouble() : double pt.GetChar() : char pt.GetString() : string pt.GetNode() : Node
Data output (C#): public static void Put(params object[] a);
Data output (VB.NET): Public Shared Sub Put(ParamArray a() As Object)
Data output (F#): pt.Put([<ParamArray>] args: obj[]) : unit
The I/O operations for the C# and VB.NET languages are implemented as static methods of a special class
(PT for C#, PTVB for VB.NET) available to any program that solves a task.
There is no need to specify the class name when calling these methods, since the solution to the
task is executed in the form of the Solve method of the class,
which is a descendant of the PT or PTVB class (and, therefore, inherits all I/O methods).
For F#, use the methods of the pt class, explicitly specifying this class when calling methods.
The Put method contain any number of output parameters of any valid type
(namely, any of the types for which an input method is provided).
In version 4.19, the Put method has been changed so that it can be used to output data
of composite types. In version 4.20, the set of input methods was expanded for all languages
of the .NET Framework by adding methods for quickly input the following data structures
with elements of four basic types (int, double, string, and char):
- arrays (GetArrInt, GetArrDouble, etc.),
- sequences, that is, objects of the IEnumerable<T> type (GetSeqInt, GetSeqDouble, etc.),
- lists (GetListInt, GetListDouble, etc.),
- two-dimensional arrays (GetMatrInt, GetMatrDouble, etc.),
- jagged arrays (GetArrArrInt, GetArrArrDouble, etc.),
- lists of lists (GetListListInt, GetListListDouble, etc.).
There are also methods available for F# (and, starting with version 4.22, also available for C# and VB.NET)
that provide tuple input (for example, GetInt2, GetInt3, GetInt4).
See additional information about Node type in the description of the "object" variant of the Dynamic and Tree groups.
Python language
Data input: get() get_bool() get_int() get_float() get_str() get_Node() Data output: put(a, ...)
All input methods are functions that return the next item of input data.
The get method may be used for input data of any admissible type (that is, any type that an input method is provided for).
The get_str method may be used for both string and character data input.
The put method may be used for output several data items of the bool, int, float, str, Node types and also
for tuples and lists output (in the case of tuple/list output all items of the tuple/list are output sequentially).
In version 4.19 of the taskbook, the set of input functions was expanded
by adding functions for quickly input tuples (get2, get3, get4, get5), lists (get_list) and matrices (get_matr).
See additional information about Node type in the description of the "object" variant of the Dynamic and Tree groups.
Java language
Data input: public static bool getBool(); public static int getInt(); public static double getDouble(); public static char getChar(); public static String getString(); public static Node getNode(); Data output: public static void put(Object... a);
Input-output operations for Java language are implemented as
class methods of the PT class (the PT class is available for any student's program using Programming Taskbook).
The put method may be used for output several data items of any admissible type (that is, any type that an input method is provided for).
See additional information about Node type in the description of the "object" variant of the Dynamic and Tree groups.
Ruby language
Data input: get get_b get_i get_f get_s get_node Data output: put(a, ...) a.put
All input methods are functions that return the next item of input data.
The get method may be used for input data of any admissible type (that is, any type that an input method is provided for).
The other functions allow to input
data item of definite type: boolean data (true, false), integers (Fixnum and Integer), real numbers (Float),
characters and strings (String), nodes of dynamic structures (Node).
In version 4.22, input functions get2, get3, get4, get5 were added, which return
2, 3, 4 and 5 next input data items.
The put method may be used for output several data items
of any admissible type (boolean, integer, float, string, Node)
and also for arrays output; in the case of array output, all items of the array are output sequentially.
You can also use the put method without parameters; this method should be applied to the data item of the
TrueClass, FalseClass, Fixnum (Integer), Float, String, Node, and Array type.
For instance, you can output the integer value 1 by means one of the following expressions:
put 1 and 1.put .
See additional information about Node type in the description of the "object" variant of the Dynamic and Tree groups.
Julia language
Data input: get get_b get_i get_f get_c get_s get_node Data output: put(a, ...)
All input functions return the next item of input data.
The get function may be used for input data of any admissible type (that is, any type that an input function is provided for).
The other functions allow to input
data item of definite type: boolean (Bool), integers (Int), real numbers (Float64),
characters (Char), strings (String), nodes of dynamic structures (Node).
Also input functions get2, get3, get4, get5 are available, which return
2, 3, 4 and 5 next input data items.
The put function may be used for output several data items
of any admissible type (boolean, integer, float, char, string, Node)
and also for arrays output (AbstractVector); in the case of array output, all items of the array are output sequentially.
See additional information about Node type in the description of the "object" variant of the Dynamic and Tree groups.
R language
Data input: Get() Data output: Put(...)
The Get function returns the next element of the source data; it can be used to input data of the type allowed in the taskbook (logical, integer, double, character, Node).
There are also the GetV and GetM input functions, which return a vector and a matrix, respectively.
The Put method is a universal output method. It may contain any number of parameters
of type logical, integer, double, character, Node, as well as vectors, matrices, arrays, factors, lists and tables (data frames) with elements
of the specified types, and constant NULL (empty object).
See additional information about Node type in the description of the "object" variant of the Dynamic and Tree groups.