Programming Taskbook



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Electronic problem book on programming

©  M. E. Abramyan (Southern Federal University, Shenzhen MSU-BIT University), 1998–2025


Main | Online services | Taskbook registration


Programming Taskbook registration

This service allows to receive the PT4/PABC registration number for your computer provided that you have one or more PT4/PABC licenses.

A PT4 license provides the registration of the PT4Complete edition of Programming Taskbook. A PABC license provides the registration of the PascalABC/PascalABC.NET edition of Programming Taskbook.

To receive the PT4/PABC registration number you should type your computer key. The computer key for PT4 registration is displayed in the "Programming Taskbook registration" section of PT4Setup program (the program will be launched automatically after finishing Programming Taskbook installation; it may be launched also from the "Start" menu: "Programs | Programming Taskbook 4 | PT4 Setup"). The computer key for PABC registration is displayed in the "Programming Taskbook registration" section of PT4Setup program that may be launched from the following submenu of "Start" menu: "Programs | Pascal ABC | Pascal ABC Setup" or "Programs | PascalABC.NET | PT4 Setup".

When the registration number will be displayed in this page of our site you should type this number in the "Programming Taskbook registration" section of PT4Setup program and press the "Registration" button in this section. After Programming Taskbook registration all tasks of some groups of the PT4Complete–1000 Edition (depending on the registration level—Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced, Complete) will be available for solving on your computer.

After receiving the registration number for a new computer the amount of your licenses of the corresponding type (PT4 or PABC) will be decreased by one.

If you forgot the registration number for your computer then you may receive it once more. Repeated receiving of the former registration number does not decrease the number of your PT4/PABC licenses. You may also receive the list of all your registration numbers using the "Get registration list" service.

This service is accessible only for registered users




Designed by
M. E. Abramyan and V. N. Braguilevsky

Last revised: